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Letter to funders

Why should you work with us?

We adapt to your target audience

The first idea we want to share with you is that you not only play a crucial financial role, you know the issues that the country is facing. Our role and our main expertise is to design a curriculum that can speak to most of your beneficiaries and proves to be highly effective.

The added value we bring to you

The assets we have is a combination of international standard, understanding of the local culture and language. We take into account the psychological barriers and background of participants and adapt the speed of our training to them.

The reason we need your financial support
Enterprise Vision Academy started with a grant funding program. For over 2 years we challenged ourselves with the idea that the beneficiaries should invest in their own training. However, we realized that people are not ready to invest their financial resources yet. The concept of long life learning and coaching is very new. This is why we need you. Without our funders, Enterprise Vision Academy would simply not be able to accomplish its mission.
Its a meaningful journey together

Last but not least, what brings us together with our Funders is a passion and commitment to bring long lasting change. We needed to be more strategic and design a longer curriculum, allowing our participants to fully embrace the concept and implement them.

We are deeply and forever grateful to all our initial Funders for all the impact we have been able to create together. We are looking forward to continuing this amazing journey together.

To complete our mission,
these are our focus:

Accelerator Stage Program

  • From SMEs to Social Entreprises 
  • Transform NGO to become Sustainable organizations
  • Favor Creative fields and local products

Youths Development

EV Academy, A bridge towards the Professional world
“Professionalism”, “entrepreneurship” gather skills that should be acquired from a very young age. Integrating them as “habits” and “character” will be much appreciated in the professional world and allow them to excel during their studies.

Professional Development

Organizational requirements and individual’s fulfillment can be achieved. We provide a range of services towards that goal.

Training to Trainers

Together let’s explore multiple channels to scale up and train more Trainers to facilitate our Trainings. We are ready to cooperate with Schools, Corporate world, ESOs and other organizations to make the impact nationwide.

So far, Here is the Impact we have made

Let us invite you for a tour of the enterprises we have groomed for a greater social impact


What have changed in their life
after they have gone through our programs?

How to work with us?

  • Please write us an email to introduce your organization, and your project. 
  • We’ll reach out to you and organize an introduction zoom meeting